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Wednesday, August 02, 2006:
RWA: Day 3
Thursday: still giddy from the Literacy signing, we didn't get up too early Thursday morning. We had a big breakfast in the hotel restaurant (yummy french toast!) and went our separate ways. Beth had plans to hit Six Flags and go crazy on the roller coasters, while I, the less fearless of the two, tagged along with bookjunky friend Lynda and her sister Colleen. We started off by taking the Marta to the Margaret Mitchell House, which I thought was fascinating. Margaret Mitchell was really a fascinating person, and I didn't know all that much about her before the tour. I found her to be much more interesting than the character of Scarlett, but I do have to admit that I can't imagine anyone but Vivien Leigh in that role.
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After that tour, we headed over to the CNN building and took that tour. Another interesting experience. I love the technology behind the finished product, and that spontaneous nature of the broadcasting world. We got to see one of the anchors read a news story and appear live on scene. It was a lot of fun. Wouldn't it have been cool to run into someone like Anderson Cooper? That would definitely have been a highlight LOL.

Instead of taking the train back to the hotel, we walked back, and though it was hot, it was bearable. And, as Colleen said, it was "good for our butts". Well, my butt needed to sit down, so once inside the heavenly air-conditioned lobby, I collapsed and just breathed for a few moments. Then I had to go and get one of those yummy raspberry-mango smoothies. Once that craving was satisfied, I worked on another: the bookstore! This time I managed to get Sylvia Day's "Ask for It", which wasn't at the literacy signing. I got the last copy, and it was signed. Turns out I just missed Sylvia. Oh, well, I got my book!

There were still some events going on, but I decided to head back to our hotel. By this time, it had to have been around 5:30pm. I took a nap, and spent a few hours finishing "High Stakes". Another satisfying McCarthy read. Beth got in around...8pm?....looking like she had conquered Six Flags. And she was hungry, as was I. ( I find that I can't really eat when it's hot outside, so skipping lunch didn't even bother me). We headed over to the hotel to give BadBarb a gift (it flashes!) and then went over to Steak and Ale for dinner. Can I just say that I could never be a vegetarian. There's just no hope for me....

That was Thursday. Fun, busy, and tiring. A really good day :)


  1. Ok, Stacy, here's the thing: I was doing fine by not going. I was OK that you, Michelle, Vivi, Monica...etc. were there and I knew we would get to see good pics.

    Then you had to type those great recaps and blew it for me.

    I am so jealous. I wish I could've gone. *sniffle,sniffle*

    I'm glad you got to go and had a great time. :o)

  2. Stacy your recaps have been wonderful, I truly hope that I can take it all in one day. But thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Thanx ladies.

    Hey Julie...maybe you can go to Cincinnati next year? It's a small taste of RWA, and not so overwhelming, but also lots of fun. Plus Bella Michelle might be there, too.

  4. I'll keep it in the back of my head. It sounds like a good time and I've enjoyed your pics from Lori's event. Maybe I can use dh's golf trips as blackmail into it. :o)

  5. sounds like you had a blast. Glad to hear you all had a great time

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