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Thursday, July 22, 2010:
Special guest author Sydney Somers plus a contest!
Today I'm excited to have special guest Sydney Somers joining us. She's here to talk about what she sees while she's writing *g* She's also having a contest, so please be sure to check it out.

I see dead people.

Okay, technically I don’t— though the people in my head aren’t exactly alive in the traditional sense—but it just sounds cooler than, I hear voices.

I have this keychain that says, I live in my own world. But it’s okay they know me here, and it sums up my creative life perfectly. I’ve been writing stories for most of my life and it always starts with a voice, a line of dialogue usually, that quickly unravels in my head like a movie trailer. Flashes of action and snappy one-liners at first, a glimpse at the hero or heroine, and before I know it I’ve got a full cast running through my head. Which would be fine if I ever just had one idea percolating at a time…but that’s another blog post altogether.

A question every writer hears a lot is, “Where do you get your ideas?” My answer? From the voices in my head. Something might trigger it all in the beginning, a song, a line from a book I read or a show on television. Sometimes even from a book I just finished writing. But once those people come to life in my head they do not shut up. Ever.

Not that I’m complaining. I adore my job, at least I do on the days when I don’t want to douse my laptop in gas and set the damn thing ablaze. But that usually stems from the problems translating what I see and hear in my head to the written word. Writing would be some much easier if I had a machine like the one in Stephen King’s the Tommyknockers where the machine just picks up my thoughts and does all the work.

When I’m writing hardcore and have a good handle on the characters, my head is rarely quiet. While that keeps me pretty motivated most days, it can also be a serious pain in the ass. It’s a miracle when I cook a meal and something doesn’t end up burnt, overcooked or stuck to a pan. And the laundry…okay, maybe the voices don’t interfere with that, I just like to pretend they do.

So before I head back to my writing cave to exorcise the demons, er, tell my characters’ stories, I’ve got a download of Dark Obsession to give away.

All you have to do to enter the contest is just name one of the other 3 books in the Shadow Destroyers series. (Hint: can be found at Sydney's website). Contest open to anyone. Will end on Friday, July 23rd at 5pm CST. Good luck!



  1. Unbreakable is another book in the Shadow Destroyers series.

  2. Don't enter me - I just wanted to stop by to say how much I enjoy Sydney Somer's voice. Her books are really fun reads :)

  3. I have never read this series but it sounds wonderful. I'm goign to have to give it a try. Fab interview Stacy.

  4. Yeah, where do I get one of those machines? ;) Love the post, Syd!

  5. Let's see - Unbreakable, Stripped Away, and Storm Warning are the books in the series so far.

  6. Storm Warning is another book in the series.

  7. Great intro to Sydney--thanks! Her Shadow Destroyers series starts with Unbreakable.

  8. Great post, Sydney, and I completely hear you on the burning dinner thing. Happens to me all the time. But what's a few burnt meals compared to some great Sydney Somers books? ;)

  9. One of the books in the series is Stripped Away.

  10. This sounds like an intriguing story. The whole series sounds super good actually.

    And for the contest, another book title is Storm Warning.

  11. I really loved your guest author. Sydney Somers' description of how she writes sounds exactly like me. Its lovely to be told that Im not pyschotic. Ill definetly be trying the series & can I enter with Unbreakable?

  12. Loved Unbreakable as well as her Spellbound series.
    Beth aka

  13. Unbreakable is the first book in the series!


  14. Unbreakable is the first book in the Shadow Destroyers series. I have read it and it was fabulous. Looks like I am very behind in this series.

  15. Hey Sydney;

    Great post! I actually have Unbreakable at home in PB. It was enjoyed some time ago, I'll have to re-read when I can..

    Thanks for the chance..

  16. Unbreakable is one of the books in the series.

    cwilliams127 at gmail dot com

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