A lot of readers are seriously into YA books these days, and after ages I finally picked this one up. As usual, I'm late to the party, but that's okay. Better late than never right?
So this book was a real treat. Jaded yet optimistic all at the same time, and the ending, well, that was worth it, let me tell ya. I did my review a few months back on it, and when I was thinking of holiday contests, and including some of my favorite things, well this book, Perfect Chemistry, was one of my favorite books of the year, not to mention a damn fine YA story. So this is my giveaway this week.
Per the Grinch (that would be me), same rules apply. Contest will run until noon CST on Friday, December 18th. All you have to do is answer the question. I ask that you don't include your email address. Once a winner is selected, it is their responsibility to contact me no later than a week from Friday, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
This week's contest question:
What clique, if any, did you fall into in high school:
Were you a jock, the homecoming queen, the class clown?
Something else entirely?
Good luck :)
Labels: contest
I wasn't really in a catagory at school as i wasn't popular or unpopular, i had a few friend but tended not to join in too much. Was too scared to get into any trouble, so maybe the goodie two shoes catagory LOL
by Coistycat 7:25 AM, December 16, 2009Good luck to all who enter. xx
I was the freak-ish one, always with a book in my hand and studing and weird stuff like manga/anime...and im still are lol
by Beleth 7:29 AM, December 16, 2009I've been wanting to read that book for ever !!!
by Anonymous 7:39 AM, December 16, 2009Thankd for the contast Stacy ;-)
In France here we don't have prom, homecoming queen and the likes. Highschool is just about work, work, work.
Anyway, I wasn't popular at school. Just a regular average girl. Didn't suffer from isolation either. I had friends... average girls like I.
oups forgot addy :
by Anonymous 7:39 AM, December 16, 2009mollytucker(at)hotmail(dot)fr
I played sports but was also in the band. So..I was in the middle? LOL
by Mandi 7:46 AM, December 16, 2009Ok, so I was a dork!
I really want to read this book..fun contest!
I've heard such good reviews about this book. Thanks for the chance to win it.
by Armenia 8:06 AM, December 16, 2009I was pretty much a studious one. Probably a nerd, since I was also in the band and the science club. I was the eldest girl and expected to look after the younger ones, so that kept me out of trouble most of the time.
Oooh what a great giveaway Stacy, I would love to read this book. :)
by Lea 8:12 AM, December 16, 2009I a loner in high school, no clique at all. In fact there was this whole "anti-clique" going on. lol
Great question.
Thanks for the contest.
I love YA lit. Probably one of my favorite genres! I haven't read this one yet!
by Mollie 8:26 AM, December 16, 2009I also didn't fall into a particular category. I was brainy but not a nerd, wasn't "popular" but was friends with many of the popular kids. I made friends with people from all groups. But I would definitely have fallen into the "brainy" group.
Hi Stacy :)
by Unknown 10:17 AM, December 16, 2009Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I've read great things about Perfect Chemistry.
I was in the "nerdy" clique as I was writing every day in high school and on the yearbook etc.
Happy Holidays,
I didn't really fall in to any one clique. We had a small class so I pretty much got along with most everyone. If it came down to I'd say I was a brain/nerd/dork,lol.
by Calila1988 11:18 AM, December 16, 2009I was captain of the cheerleading squad. One of *those* girls. Also, a bit of a mean girl.
by Kati 11:25 AM, December 16, 2009SIGH. I hate that. Thank God you grow out of some things!
I really wasn't in any clique.I mostly hung out with people from another school.People either liked me or feared me at my high school,I don't know why..lol.it just turned out that way.I guess cause I stuck up for myself and friends.
by Elaine G 1:17 PM, December 16, 2009I was a studious nerd. I concentrated on my studies.
by CrystalGB 2:57 PM, December 16, 2009Crystal816[at]hotmail[dot]com
I was a member of the poor clique.
by Estella 3:57 PM, December 16, 2009I was in the band in high school. I also kind of floated between a couple of groups.
by mslizalou 4:43 PM, December 16, 2009Another great contest, Stacy! I love YA books and ahven't read this one yet.
There wan't really a category for me. I got along with every group and they seemed to like me. I was considered likable and fun to talk to.
by The Scarf Princess 4:55 PM, December 16, 2009I was the quiet shy girl! I watched, I listened and I learned all aboit everyone from the shadows. Boy has that changed now!
by Lady_Graeye 9:32 PM, December 16, 2009I guess maybe I was one of the "Freaks" (not in a bad way, we just wore spiky things, band tees, and a lot of black lol)I got along with most people regardless of cliques though.
by throuthehaze 9:36 PM, December 16, 2009I have this book on my TBR list and can't wait to read it!
by orannia 2:58 AM, December 17, 2009I wasn't popular. Mostly, I tried to keep my head down - avoid attention, because attention involved teasing. My best friend and I ended up sitting right at the back of physics class to avoid the teasing. Saying that, I enjoyed school...
Thank you for the contest Stacy!
Late as usual with my own contest!
by Stacy~ 2:51 PM, December 20, 2009I just wanted to drop a quick note and say that no matter what group you were in while in high school, or what friends you did or didn't have, you are a seriously awesome group of people, and anyone who loves books as much as I do is definitely a star in my book :)
For the record, I was in the middle myself. Had friends who were in all groups. I was definitely NOT popular, but I didn't like to exclude people. I didn't have any friends in my first few years of school so I knew what that felt like. I'd say I'm still in the middle, but that's okay. I'm good here :)
Happy holidays!!!!!