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Friday, May 15, 2009:
Catching up

Hey all you lovelies out there. Hope you're up for an exciting weekend, whether it's reading, playing, or just being a little lazy. I plan to do a little of all 3. I like a little variety in my day.

Not much been going on here. I was in D.C. last week for work and once again got to hang out with Kati, which never gets old. And this time around there were myriad topics to choose from, everything from "Lover Avenged" to blogging to the Cincinnati get-together and even hockey.

I'm about 1/2 way through "Lover Avenged" and waiting for it to get good. Right now I can barely keep my eyes open. I have a feeling I'm really going to like Ehlena, in fact I already do, but it's slow going for me. I hear it's good, in fact some who've been fed up with the series have given me hope, but so far I'm not feelin' it. Which reminds me, that Brother-speak is getting on my last nerve. I feel like I'm listening to a male version of "Clueless", so it's not only preppy girlspeak, it's also very dated. It never bothered me as much before but this one is driving me nuts. "Outtie?" "Freshies?" Real annoying, true????

Speaking of hockey, it seems to be on a lot of people's minds lately. Yesterday at work I heard several people talking about it. I'm not a diehard fan of any sport, though if I were, it definitely would be hockey above all else. I love all that aggressive competition, the sound of the blades slicing through the ice, the combination of the cold temperatures mixed with the heat of the crowd in their excitement. And of course the violence. Can't forget about that. I am in heaven when I hear the jarring slam of a large body thrown against the plexiglass at full speed. Then there's the blood, the rising tempers, the ticking clock. And yeah, I'm totally in denial, but under those hockey masks, I'm picturing my version of Luc "Lucky" Martineau everytime....and wondering if they have a tattoo in a very special place ;)

But that's just me. Because the reality is usually much scarier than the fantasy. I prefer my heroes with all their teeth, thank you very much. And no mullet. Does make me wonder what we saw in them back in the 80's, but then again there are a lot of things about the 80's that make me wonder "what were we thinking???" But that's another story. I'd rather think about tattoos, and the places they might be hiding.

Let's see, what else is going on? Why, I haven't done an interview in awhile, nor a contest. Toni Blake has a book coming out on the 26th, and she was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions for me. And she might share a little about what Lacey Alexander is up to as well. In honor of Toni's visit, I'll be giving away a copy of "One Reckless Summer", so if you're interested, stay tuned for that.

What are your weekend plans?



  1. I get to spend my weekend cleaning my house. I head to my sister's for my oldest nieces graduation on Tuesday. Oldest and I leave for Chicago on Thursday and I'm cleaning now so it will be clean when I get home.

  2. Hi Stacy!

    Can I say first I love you and your blog!

    I live in Canada and trust me we are raised on hockey as a pasttime for our youth amongst other things of course. The play offs are an exciting time!! As for the lack of teeth and mullet issue - right on!!

    I'm taking a blog vacation this weekend, doing some reading, a couple of reviews and tending to the house.

    I hope yours is a great one!!

    Warm Regards

  3. Liza! How long are you in Chicago? I live in the area. Unless you've got plans, but it would be cool to meet :)

    Lea, thanx. I love your blog too, and I'm digging the kissing contest *g* I was born & raised in MN, can't skate to save my life. Enjoy your weekend of reading. I love doing that.

  4. We get there on Thurdsay and leave on Monday. The only plans I know we have are the Harry Potter exhibit on Friday morning and Mary Poppins on Sunday afternoon. I would love to meet up with you too. We are pretty ope other than those two things.

    BTW, Lover Avenged gets much better as you read. More like the early BDB books.

  5. I feel like I'm listening to a male version of "Clueless"Bwahahahaha!! I couldn't have said it better, Stacy.

  6. So good to see you last week, Stace! I can't believe I'm going to get to see you again so soon in June!

    Sorry to hear LA isn't working for you. I just found a write up of Ward's new series. Looks like the first heroine is one of the prostitutes from Zero Sum. SIGH.

    I was hoping this series would have a whole new setting. I guess we'll see what happens.

  7. Hey, Stace. I loved LA. I'm one of the ones who got frustrated after V and Phury's book but really fell for Rehv. I honestly wasn't looking forward to him and wouldn't have bought the book in hardback because of the last two but my friend lent it to me and now I will buy it to add to my collection. Hope you enjoy it!

  8. Reading, yard work, reading, cleaning, reading, filing paperwork, reading, laundry, reading...

    did I mention I plan to read a lot this weekend? :grin:

  9. Thank you Stacy! I'm almost half-way through LA...I've been reading it for a week. I'm just not that into it, and if I had to pick my favourite plot (of the many), it would be Tohr (which is surprising because I am a HUGE Rhev fan...then again, I love Lassiter).

    And the slang is driving me nuts...'I'm outtie'? Myabe it's just me, but the slang de-fangs them IMO. Then again, I could handle the slang if it was just in the dialogue, but it's everywhere, along with product names (which frustrate me because so many are location brands and I don't know them). And I have to you need a brand name for oats? Can't they just be oats?

    In the book's defense, I think I'm reading it at the wrong time...

    Looks like the first heroine is one of the prostitutes from Zero Sum. SIGH.I think I know who it is then :) What I'm wondering is, will Lassiter be in this book?

  10. Can't wait for the Toni Blake interview - I love her!

    Glad you had a good time in DC - even if it was for work.

  11. yes cool
    love her books
    love bikini diaries
    she writes hot books

  12. Stacy, email me at mslizalou @ and let me know if there is any time that would work for you this coming weekend.

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