- Pride & Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version - seen it)
- Ladyhawke (seen it but MaryKate has got me all nostalgic)
- Monkey Love (cuz I have this weird thing for Jeremy Renner from S.W.A.T.)
- S.W.A.T. (see above)
- The Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep? Eh. The fashionable clothes? Hardly. Just cuz.)
I've already seen "Music & Lyrics" (my first Netflix...flick) and now I can't get that damn "Pop Goes My Heart" song out of my head. It was cute, not cutesy, meaning Hugh and Drew weren't all googly over each other, which made it a refreshing film. And I've seen "The Shooter", "Blood Diamond", and "The Departed", all of which I loved.
But I'm looking for something(s) off the beaten path, something different, thought not necessarily strange and bizarre. Just a few selections that maybe aren't as mainstream or didn't make much of a splash when they were released in theatres. I love all kinds of movies, from romance to action/adventure to classics, so give me your best shot here and share some all-time faves from now or yesteryear.
I can't wait to see what you come up with :)
Labels: movies
Stace - Have you seen Tequila Sunrise? It came out in the mid-80s, I think. Features Mel Gibson at his absolute dreamiest, and one of the hottest love scenes I've ever seen. You see barely any skin, and yet it's practically pornographic...in the BEST way!
byHow 'bout Almost Famous? It's one of my favorites. "Feck You." Heh. Makes me laugh every time.
How 'bout National Treasure? It's cheesy and Disney, and yet, I own it. It's such a fun movie!
I'll have to keep thinking.
I just added "Wives and Daughters" and "North and South" (the BBC movie) to my Netflix. Can't tell you if they're good, but I've heard good things.
byAnd I agree with marykate on "National Treasure". We own the movie, too, and I STILL watch it when it's on TV. LOL AND they're making a sequel! Sweet!!
We don't have Netflix in Canada, but I belong to a similar DVD rental plan. I find it most useful for those British series that never air in Canada or, if they do, are shown on some obscure speciality channel that I don't want. I loved "Wives and Daughters" and "North and South," both based on the novels of Elizabeth Gaskell. I recently finished watching the new BBC Robin Hood, which has as much in common with the Middle Ages as "A Knight's Tale," but it's campy and over-the-top and stars the dishy Richard Armitage. Unfortunately, his character, Guy of Gisburne, has more chemistry with Marion than does Robin.