Well today is my final celebration, and I hope you've all enjoyed it :) It's been a lot of fun sharing with y'all, (and prolonging my birthday of course LOL).
Today I am offering a $25 giftcard to the bookstore or other merchant of choice. Could be Amazon, Best Buy, Bath & Body Works, whatever. It's your call. You just have to answer my question:
What SmartPhone application or website
can you just not live without?
Contest ends at noon CST on Thursday, October 21st. Good luck!
I couldn't survive with out my Navi app. Srsly, I get lost backing out of my driveway. N,S,E,W? No clue. If I didn't have my Navi app I'd be like a dog chasing it tail forever riding around in circles.
by tori aka ggs_closet 8:23 AM, October 15, 2010I can't live without my Kindle app or my fitness pal app.
by mslizalou 8:41 AM, October 15, 2010STANZA! OMG!
by Natasha A. 9:12 AM, October 15, 2010and I like hootsuite :)
I can not live without Shop Shop/
by Danielle 9:21 AM, October 15, 2010I couldn't live without my Kindle app. or my baseball scores app.
by KellyM. 9:24 AM, October 15, 2010Thank you and hope you had a wonderful birthday week!
I could not live without Amazon. I love that site cause you can buy more than books on there. I get all my movie and music info from that site as well! :D
by Bells 9:28 AM, October 15, 2010hangingwithbells@gmail.com
Probably my Kindle & Stanza apps as well as Around Me. It's saved us from disaster more than once!
by Lori 9:49 AM, October 15, 2010Hope you've had an awesome birthday week, Stacy!!
...I can live without all since I can't say I use any application
by Blodeuedd 10:05 AM, October 15, 2010Even though I do not Tweet much. I love reading all the Tweets from my favorite romance authors & sites.
by Scorpio M. 10:22 AM, October 15, 2010Twitter for BlackBerry is very good. I love it!!
The Kindle app is awesome, too.
TWITTER FOR IPHONE. Gah, get me off Twitter, please!!! :P
by Anonymous 10:25 AM, October 15, 2010I could not live without paperbackswap.com or twitter. I really do not use my cell phone for much, sometimes I make calls on it though O_O
by Unknown 10:51 AM, October 15, 2010robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
GoodReads and IMDB. I access them so much for so many question answers in just everyday conversation.
by donnas 10:58 AM, October 15, 2010bacchus76 at myself dot com
Well, I have a Droid and it has a Yahoo Fantasy Football app. that I'm addicted to - I just discovered it this football season and it makes it so much easier to keep track of team. Hope you had a wonderful b-day week!
by Jennifer D. 11:06 AM, October 15, 2010I can't live without Amazon, Yahoo, and facebook. I pretty much go on those site daily.
by Van Pham 11:19 AM, October 15, 2010Guess I'm just not as "app attached" as most because I don't have any that I could not live without. That being said I use Facebook the most to catch up with folks so I will say Facebook.
by Barbara 12:38 PM, October 15, 2010Happy Birthday Day 5!!!!!
i have a iphone and i can't live without my shop shop app. Saves me at the grocery store every week!
by Modokker 1:01 PM, October 15, 2010I get withdrawal symptoms if I can't check Twitter periodically; I usually use SimplyTweet or TwitBird.
by Julie 1:09 PM, October 15, 2010I don't have a smart phone, mine's pretty dumb, LOL. But I do love my Google Blogger and of course, Twitter. I couldn't live without either of them.
by Barbara E. 1:26 PM, October 15, 2010I'm with Lori. I don't have a smart phone, so I don't use any apps.
by Dev 1:27 PM, October 15, 2010I don't have a smart phone either. I definitely have become addicted to Twitter. I enjoy watching/chatting about tv shows with people I don't even know.
by The Scarf Princess 1:41 PM, October 15, 2010I can't live without the Yahoo or Google sites because I need to check my emails and blog all the time.
by jeanette8042 1:59 PM, October 15, 2010I also don't have a smart phone either!
by Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews 2:02 PM, October 15, 2010I can't live without Amazon or blogger.
i can't live without yahoo, facebook, twitter, and imdb.
by marian 2:14 PM, October 15, 2010mariannguyen16(AT)gmail(DOT)com
Can't live without all the reading apps I have. They come in handy when I can't travel with a book. Thanks for the giveaway. Hope you had a great birthday.
by Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! 2:30 PM, October 15, 2010My HTC Evo is the bestest thing ever. My favorite aps are Tweetcaster for Twitter and Kindle for Android phones because it allows me to sneak reads at work much more effectively than with my regular sized Kindle or book! LOL!
by Lynette 2:40 PM, October 15, 2010I couldn't live without Amazon.com. Seriously. I do a lot of my 'window shopping' on there
by Chelsea B. 2:56 PM, October 15, 2010:-)
Amazon, without a doubt!
by Estella 3:04 PM, October 15, 2010I couldn't live without BookMooch!
by Minna 3:04 PM, October 15, 2010I can't live without Book Depository or blogger
by Elaine G 4:14 PM, October 15, 2010elaing8(at)netscape(dot)net
I don't have a smart phone, so I'm not addicted to any of the phone apps/sites.
by LSUReader 4:35 PM, October 15, 2010I can't live without the Borders app. I'm a major avid reader, so anything to do with books, I'll get lost without.
by Felicia 5:40 PM, October 15, 2010Thanks for including me in your giveaway contest
Twitter and wikipedia - what would I do without them?
by Anonymous 6:43 PM, October 15, 2010cories119[at]yahoo.com
Amazon...love it.
by LORETTA CANTON 9:20 PM, October 15, 2010loretta
My Kindle app of course! Plus I've discovered that I can kind of hide the phone behind my keyboard and read at work. Makes the day go a lot quicker.
by JenM 10:15 PM, October 15, 2010jen at delux dot com
Kindle app
by Kris 10:39 PM, October 15, 2010My son has an Ipodtouch and I love his IMDB app. We always watch movies as a family, and one of us will say "hey, he looks like so and so from..." and he looks it up and tells us who the actor is, what movies he's been in, and then we laugh at whoever was wrong about the person... BAHAHAHAHA I do love that app:)
by Brenda Hyde 11:31 PM, October 15, 2010Thanks for such a fun week!
I love the Flight Tracker app.
by Jane 12:30 AM, October 16, 2010Goodreads for sure! :)
by Lindsay 8:23 AM, October 16, 2010I would miss google if it suddenly didn't exist since any strange question I have I google it.
by Maureen 2:33 PM, October 16, 2010I have to go with the basic amazon and google. I mean, honestly, what would book lovers do without them?!
by maered 5:06 PM, October 16, 2010Blogspot app
by I ♥ Book Gossip 2:02 PM, October 17, 2010cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
by Twimom227 6:16 PM, October 17, 2010I use the built-in email app on the iphone the most - it allows me to check all my accounts so easily. But as for ones I've added - my TODO app and the Echofon (twitter) app are the best!
I'm not sure I could live without the Book Depository. :)
by Kaetrin 9:40 PM, October 17, 2010Firstly, and most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
by orannia 12:36 AM, October 18, 2010Stanza, since I use my iPhone to read and without it I would be....lost.
No need to include me in the giveaway - I've been AWOL from here for so long it wouldn't feel right to win.
i don't have iphone. And i love to see some new books on amazon and book depo :)
by mariska 1:04 AM, October 18, 2010uniquas at ymail dot com
I couldn't live without the book depository store. It is my dealer in my book addiction :)
by Leontine 7:50 AM, October 18, 2010I would say Amazon. I love to buy books or other items. there.
by CrystalGB 10:23 AM, October 18, 2010I can't live without Yahoo, Calibre (love it for organizing my ebooks), or Amazon books.
by Cathy M 1:58 PM, October 20, 2010