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Tuesday, June 29, 2010:
Win Twice Bitten! 3rd book in Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampire series up for grabs!
I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of this series, and I hope you all are too. Now that we visited for a spell with Chloe, I thought I'd have a little contest to win a copy of the 3rd book in her fantastic Chicagoland Vampire series. Yes, I do believe it's important to read these in order so you have the back history, so don't say I didn't warn you LOL. First is Some Girls Bite, then Friday Night Bites, now this pretty gem. Believe me, they are worth it.

This time my contest will be short and sweet :) Obviously, you probably noticed that Chloe's series is set in Chicago, which just happens to be about 45 minutes from where I live. Awesomeness. So my question to you is this:

If you could have a sexy vampire series set in any city, where would it

be, and why?

Contest will end at noon on Sunday, July 4th (!) at noon CST. Must answer the complete question to qualify. I will try to order the book on release day --- remember, we want Chloe to get that tattoo ;)

So please, go forth and enter!



  1. Do the entries go here in your comments, or where should we send them?

  2. It's really hard to pick a city that isn't heaped already with cliches. I might like Vegas, if I could find a story that didn't cling to the aspects of Vegas that I hate.

  3. Tokyo! No...Moscow! No...hmm, I really don't know! Maybe LA, or somewhere near it. Just look at the actors and actresses. The vampire might blend well. ;)

  4. I would love it to be in Nashville. I live here and would love to read about the city I know. Love the Chicagoland series. I've been to Chicago so many times, I actually know some of the locations. :)

  5. I would pick Venice, Italy. I just got home from there and it is the most romantic city on earth. It has those dark and mysterious alley/streets where you just know a vampire or two are lurking in the shadows. And those gondolas are made for a vampiric seduction scene.

  6. I am going to say Lisbon. If the main characters are Portuguese, I can imagine one of them looks like Cristiano Ronaldo. Oh, and Portugal is beautiful. That too.

  7. I would want it to happen in my own city...cause I love it. New Orleans.

  8. I would have to say Seattle.

  9. Hmmm I would choose Florence, Italy. I can definitely imagine some vamps lurking around there.

  10. Egypt :D Haven't read a series that had a story taken place there or at least none comes to mind.


  11. This is one of my most anticipated books this summer!

    If I could set sexy vampires in any city, I'd probably set them in London - those accents are swoon-worthy!

  12. in San Francisco because it's an awesome city and i'm from there :D


  13. I love this series too! I think I would pick Rome or London since I love reading books based in places I like to visit!

  14. I would love more in Boston. I know that the first couple of Midnight Breed books were in Boston. But I would love more!

  15. I would think Nashville, TN. Mainly because it is close to where I live. But could you imangine a the country music star as a vampire. I really think that would be great.

  16. Las Vegas for sure. Whose going to notice if you stay up all night and sleep all day? Vamps would be right at home here.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  17. Wow, that is an interesting questions. I would love to see a series in an Alaskan city. Dark all the time, the challenge of the wild and the cold. I think the setting would add some fun challenges for the characters.

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  18. If you are looking to stay under the wire, not attracted attention, then some place like Iowa or Kansas. But if you are attracted to the bright lights and cities whose night life never sleeps, then its Vegas or New York. There is just enough strange stuff going on that you could blend in.

  19. How about Zagreb - Croatia? It has great history and I can imagine vampires lurking in the shadows of the old buildings since Middle Ages

  20. Please don't include me in the contest, but I would say much history!

    All the best for the release Chloe!

  21. I would have to stay somewhere rural, like my town, Sullivan IL. We get all kinds of theater types here, lol. They would make good transitory snacks (as long as you don't get carried away and finish the snack completely) and lots of wildlife/farm animals around for the vegetarians. LOL I know everyone else is saying big cities... I have to be a little different.

    Dottie :)

  22. it should take place in Budapest - I like the city since reading the Lords of the Underworld Series and because of the historical background it would be perfect :)
    greetings, Ina

  23. Hmm I would have to say Dublin. What could be better than a sexy vampire with an Irish brogue!

  24. I'd say Paris, France.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  25. I think New Orleans is always a great location for vamps. It has a mysterious and paranormal feel to it.
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  26. I'm thinking a vampire series in Savannah would be nice. New Orleans has been done with Anne Rice but Savannah has the same spooky feel so it gets my vote.

  27. Any city, huh? I like London and Dublin that some others suggested, cuz of the accents. I wonder how the accents would come out in a book though. Would be interesting to read.

    I could suggest Sydney, Australia, or just somewhere in Australia, cuz an Australian accent would be hot.

    Somewhere like Paris or Florence would be a good setting cuz they're both beautiful places. I think somewhere in Greece would also be beautiful.

    I think to me, the where of the story doesn't matter, as long as it IS a sexy story. Haha.

    (PS. I live in Illinois too! I was soo excited when I happened to come across this series with it's setting in Chicago.)

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