Today I have CEE, another one of my online pals, visiting today. I've known Cee for quite some time, probably since around the time I first started my blog back in 2006. We both have a deep and abiding love for Sam Starrett and our iPhones *g* Cee loves to bake and I love seeing pictures of her creations, and she goes on some pretty nifty vacations which make me very jealous, but I still like her LOL.
Stacy: Feel free to tell us about yourself: name, background, etc. Are you a reader/blogger/writer?
I'm C Squared - since my initials are CC - and I'm a reader/blogger. I'll leave the writing to others, thanks. :)
Stacy: Do you have a blog? What is the name/link and how would you describe your blog?
I do have a sadly neglected blog - C Squared's All-around Blog ( - most of my posts are about traveling, gadgets, the occasional bit about TV shows or movies, and there's a little bit about books, too. You might find more book stuff by me (and the other Duckies) over at The Good, The Bad and the Unread ( - when I review, that's where the reviews go.
Stacy: What book(s) are you currently reading? Would you recommend it?
Stacy: What book(s) are you currently reading? Would you recommend it?
I just started reading Gena Showalter's The Darkest Passion and I'm enjoying it so far. I like the Lords of the Underworld series...what's better than a tortured hero? And I would consider housing a demon pretty much torture.
Stacy: What is your most anticipated soon to be released book?
Stacy: What is your most anticipated soon to be released book? isn't being released soon enough but I have to say Karen Marie Moning's ShadowFever is at the top of my "I want it right now!" list. December is toooooooooo far away. :-D Some things that are coming soon that I'm also looking forward to are Jennifer Ashley's Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage and Erin McCarthy's Hot Finish. [All excellent choices.]
Stacy: What's playing nonstop on your iPod rotation right now?
GLEE soundtracks seem to be coming up pretty regularly. And something a bit more obscure that I highly recommend is Appalachian Journey. It's hard to describe but it's a cross between classical, bluegrass, chamber music and Americana - as put together by Yo-yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, and Mark O'Connor with some help from James Taylor and Alison Krauss.
Stacy: What are your favorite places to visit online?
My usual stops are at the Book Binge, Kristie J's Ramblings on Romance, TGTBTU (of course), Ames' Thrifty Reader, Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, and Dear Author. And your blog, of course *bats lashes*. :-D [Flatterer! LOL. You really don't have to say that, I'll still like you :D ]
Stacy: What are some of your favorite things: beverage? food? t.v. show?
Favorite food: peanut butter
Favorite TV show: during the summer, So You Think You Can Dance; during the regular season, I like Chuck, Fringe, Castle and a few other things.
Stacy: Which hottie out there is to die for?
Did I mention I really like Castle? And a lot of the reason is Nathan Fillion. But just hotness for its own sake - Jensen Ackles. Yowza! And did I read he got married recently? :*( [Yes. *sob*]
Stacy: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Stacy: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Well, it might not be a surprise but I'm a big ol' geek. I love me some gadgets and can talk Apple stuff for ages with like-minded folk. LOL Never let Mac people start talking when there is something new coming out. Just sayin'. LOL
Thank you for stopping by Cee, it's been fun! So, I forgot to ask: what vacation spot is next on your agenda?
Labels: guest blogger, online friends
YAY, love my C2 :)
by KT Grant 10:19 AM, June 17, 2010She understands Mho Fho so very well.
Stacy, I'm loving your guest spotlights. Getting to know more about all the people I see on blogs each day and even finding a few new people.
by mslizalou 11:12 AM, June 17, 2010Nice to meet you CSqd.
by Paula R 2:31 PM, June 17, 2010Stacy this is cool. I am not a blogger, but I hope to remedy that sometime this summer...right Liza?
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Peace and love,
Paula R.
Hi everybody!
by C2 2:35 PM, June 17, 2010Stacy - the next vacay spot is still under negotiation. I'm leaning toward northern Europe and my mom is leaning toward the Panama Canal. Jeez. Could the options be any more different? :D
Aww, I loves my KT. And even Mho (but don't tell him). :)
Peanut butter is my favorite food, too! See, I knew I liked you for a reason. lol
by M 3:28 PM, June 17, 2010Great interview. I'm loving this feature, Stacy!
Awweee the penguin! Too too cute!
by limecello 7:16 PM, June 17, 2010Also jealousssss of the iphones.
Hi Cee:
by Lea 5:04 PM, June 18, 2010Wonderful to meet and learn about you. It sounds like you have a nice eclectic blog.. I enjoy the reviews at the Good, The Bad and the Unread - great spot!
Thanks for sharing with us!