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Tuesday, October 09, 2007:
The last days of summer.....
Wow, it's been over 80 degrees the last several days, with the sun shining and occasionally a lovely breeze, and I had a wonderfully lazy yet also busy four-day weekend. It's making me feel a little sad that by mid-week, temps will be dropping down into the mid-50's :( I am so not ready for fall. Yes, it's a beautiful time of year, and I love the coziness of it all, but it just brings me that much closer to winter, and I'm already having dreams about shoveling snow - not my idea of a good time, let me tell ya.
Anyway, this past weekend I spent reading like a fiend - yay, reading slump is definitely over! - and going to an Octoberfest party with lots and lots of German beer, and my favorite, German chocolate cupcakes, and looking for a dress for an upcoming wedding, which was not so successful. But that's my own fault, cuz I need it for this Saturday, the 13th, so I should have been looking months ago. I found one but sadly I am so not a size 6P, so I will keep looking. I still have time yet.
And oh man, I hate, hate, despise talking on the phone, but my friend Linda broke her foot about a week or so ago, and I am her lifeline because I've been off while other people have been at work, and she's been calling me 2-3 times a day where we talk for hours at a time. I think I've used up all my phone tolerance for 2007. Thank God her and I have mobile to mobile, or I'd have to ditch her as a friend. Or at least not call her.
Back to reading: I've decided that if I am going to get any kind of enjoyment out of reading, I will only review those books that I either promised to review, or those that I feel need to be reviewed. Otherwise I will feel like I'm reading all these assignments, and I will not enjoy them. Whew, this has lifted a great load off my shoulders. Since I have over 100 books (and growing) in my tbr pile, this seems like a reasonable plan. I have a few reviews ready to post, so I won't be as much of a stranger in blogland - don't know if that's good or bad - and I'm just really excited about most of the books I've been reading lately.
Blogging - I hope to be a better person when it comes to blog-hopping. Truth is, I miss my online friends, and feel bad when I can't, or don't, visit on a regular basis. There are just so many hours in the day, and I find I do need sleep, so something's gotta give. Lately it's been blogging. I find my interests are cyclical, so eventually I come back to some of my favorite hobbies. Plus when it's been nice, the last thing I want to do is hang out on the computer when I could be enjoying the sun and wearing sandals, you know. But now, fall's upon us, the weather will change, I will hibernate, read, watch movies, and blog, blog, blog. Cannot wait.
What are your favorite fall activities?
Do you huddle indoors when the temps go below 70 degrees?



  1. You know, since I moved to Southern California I can't remember the last time I had a under 70 degree day! I kinda miss it. But I know if I had them I'd be wishing for sunshine again. The grass is always greener...

    I haven't been reading or blog hopping much lately. It feels like I have SO much going on and I just entered my third trimester of pregnancy so I'm even more exhausted all the time. Speaking of being tired, I need some sleep.

  2. Kelley, I envy you those warm temps! And listen to your body - if it's urging you to take a nap, then do it. You're going to need your energy for your new baby :)

  3. I always look forward to cooking in the fall. Lots of chili and soup and I do a lot of baking. It's a celebration of sorts for me because I can't do any of these activities in the summer without heating up my house.

    And of course, my favorite activity is snuggling up under a fuzzy blanket with a good book and a hot mug of tea. That's my idea of heaven.

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