I was doing my blog-hopping this morning, and it got me wondering: what is your favorite blog or blogs? I plan on posting with more detail at a later time, giving you my preferred list, but I'm just curious what you guys like out in blogland, and why?
Most of mine are on the right sidebar, and I try to visit them at least once a week if possible, but I don't always have the chance to do it. One thing is, I don't have access to blogs at work. Nope, I get a nasty "access denied" up on the screen telling me my internet useage is being monitored. So my time is rather limited for blogging.
What is your favorite blog or blogs?
Why do you visit? What keeps you coming back for more?
Do you have your own blog? (Feel free to share the link)
I go to the Wet Noodle Posse Blog almost every day. http://wetnoodleposse.blogspot.com I like the variety of stuff I read there - plus I have a lot of friends : )
byI have my own blog, but you already have the link.
Mornin' Stace! Let's see, I bounce between several:
byRomance Buy the Blog (where I met you, Bella!)
Smart Bitches (I love them, even though they kinda intimidate me)
My sister and cousin both have blogs, so I bounce there daily.
Here, of course.
The TV Guide blogs. You know how I loves me my TV!
I have many that I visit often. Not as often since I went back to work, but usually every other day at least.
byto name a few...
Gena showalter
Jill Shalvis
Jill monroe
Alison Kent
Stacy's place on earth
Romancing the blog
Sasha White
The life of a dumpling
The good, the bad and the unread
Access Romance
Jaci Burton
My own is a reading journal that I use to help me keep track of books I read and liked or did not like.
Alison Kent always has something interesting so say. I also frequent Romancing the Blog and Romance by the Blog, Portia Da Costa, Writeminded, Access Romance, Brava, and Dionne Galace.
byWell I visit friends, and I pop through industry blogs and catch up with writers I know... but I don't get out as much as I use to. Too much to do.
I visit romance by the blog, Jordan Summers blog every day. I try to avoid snark induced blogs, and I will pop in to my favorite authors and friends 2 or 3 times a week.