Well kids, I'm off to Ohio in the morning to meet up with friends and authors for Lori Foster's and Dianne Castell's 2nd annual reader/writer get-together. Here are some pictures from last year - yep, there's me, Bad Barb, Judy F (who gives the Scamps and Vamps our daily hotties - she is a goddess!) and the dear and spunky Laurie - you have to scroll past all the 2006 stuff and then you'll see the pictures (about 1/2 way down). Hopefully I'll have lots of pictures to share from this event - not the best picture-taker. Anyway, I am soooo excited! Wish you all could be there.
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
Have fun!!
byI know you had a blast!!! I'm so jealous :)
byI did, I did! Wish you guys could have been there. Next year maybe?