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Wednesday, December 02, 2009:
Holiday contest #1: Do you want "The Ugly Truth"?
"Abby Richter is a romantically challenged morning show producer whose search for Mr. Perfect has left her hopelessly single. She's in for a rude awakening when her bosses team her with Mike Chadway, a hardcore TV personality who promises to spill the ugly truth on what makes men and women tick." from Yahoo movies

This was one of my favorite movies of 2009, so I thought it would be fun to give it away as my first holiday prize. I just love Gerard Butler (even if he is a man ho!) and thought he was funny and sexy and even sweet in this movie. It's a bit raunchy, and politically incorrect, but if you like hot guys and you're not easily offended, then I think you just might like this one.

If you've already seen it and want your own copy (like I do), then here's your chance. As always, I like to ask a question and get to know my "audience" *g*, and this time is no different. And the contest question is:

"What's the craziest thing you'd do or have done to get a guy's attention?"

Rules: So please comment no later than noon CST on Saturday, December 6th. All eligible comments must answer the question. Please DO NOT leave your email address. Once the winner is announced here at my blog, it will be their responsibility to contact me within 1 week of announcement, otherwise a new winner will be announced. Contest is open to anyone I can send this to, anyone who receives mail.

[Since I will be out of town on business starting early Sunday morning and will be gone for a week, I might not be able to respond until after the 12th.]

So go ahead, I want to know just how wild and crazy you guys all are LOL. And GOOD LUCK!!!

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  1. Hmm the craziest thing I would have to say is that I had my friend and I double date. Only my date didn't show up and she excused herself early from the date faking an illness. So we got stuck together and had a really great time. Found out later he bated for the other team and was there for my date that didn't show. DAMN!

  2. I enjoyed this movie too Stacy actually watched it on DVD again just last week.

    I don't do too much that's wild and crazy to get a guy's attention...maybe that's why I am still single.

  3. Hey Stacy! So The Ugly Truth huh? Yikes I have to say I just saw this movie and truth be told it wasn't my item. I tend to like my romantic comedies with a little less 'realism' in the dialogue. The acting was great and Butler was his usual irascible self... but somehow the dialogue really threw me. I'm just wondering what made it one of your favorite movies of 2009.

  4. I guess the craziest thing I have done is leave notes on a guy's car windshield or bake him some sweet treats.

  5. Oh that movie sounds cute.

    When I was in college I once played touch football (with a broken wrist!!) to get noticed my a guy.
    It worked. :)

  6. I've never done anything wild and crazy to get a guy's attention, but I once jumped into a pool from my friend's balcony witha bunch of guys!

  7. LOl - great post Stacy!
    I can't remember anything I did that was crazy before I got married. Hmmm...Oh wait...on New Year's Eve I sent a guy who worked at the same club as me a balloon thingy with champagne & chocolate inside. That didn't work out so well when his GIRLFRIEND showed up to share it with him. *sigh* live and learn. lol

  8. I'vve heard about this movie, just didn't have time to go and see it.

    I'm really primadona in this department :) I like guys doing crazy things for me (like travel 500 miles to be with me for one day and then go back home :)

  9. Have never done anything wild and crazy to get a guy's attention.
    Am 67 years old and married, so am not apt to.

  10. This looks like such a fun movie!

    I can't remember doing anything wild or crazy to get a guys attention! I've been with my hubby for 27 years now so I haven't had to worry about getting a guys attention in a very long time! :)

  11. Alas, I have never done anything even remotely crazy to get a guy's attention. That's probably why I'm still single. ;)

    I've never seen this movie, either....

  12. The craziest thing I have ever done to get a guys attention was ask another guy for help. The best advice he gave me was "Just be yourself".

    Oh, and I also made a batch of cupcakes for a dude once.

    But other than that, nothing wild.

    cindyc725 at gmail dot com

  13. Hi Stacy :)
    Can I change it to a girl instead of guy?
    The craziest thing I did was write a poem for a girl and slide it into her locker. (This was highschool).
    She confronted me & we went out.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    I haven't seen it yet.
    All the best,
    PS - posted about this on my blog for midnight Wed Dec 2nd.

  14. Looks like a great movie.

    I have never done anything too wild or crazy. I embarrass way too easy.

  15. When I was a teenager and thought a guy didn't like me because I was a nailbiter I used all my willpower to quit. It didn't work but I haven't bitten my nails since.
    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

  16. I loved this movie I could not stop laughing and blushing the whole time.

    The craziest thing I have ever did was try and go shot for shot with a guy I was into. Not a good idea. The next day was not fun.

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