I have this work function today, ALL DAY, so not much time to post stuff. Yeah, my contest will be posted soon, this weekend is the plan, so stay tuned. But I did want to pop in and say "hey" before I leave, and ask the burning question:
Where are you from?
How's the weather in your part of the world?
Feel free to leave your response, and anything else that comes to mind, like my blog is boring, or you want more hotties, less rambling, or which song you want me to play, or even just "hi".
Adios for now....
Hi there hope you have a great day. Me I can't get warm. Its cold here In cincinnati, no snow yet
by Judy F 8:19 AM, October 14, 2006Hey there. London, Ontario Canada halfway between Detroit and Toronto - that way since the Jays didn't make it I can route for the Tigers. The weather is sunny and about 8 degrees celcius which translates to about 46 degrees Farenheight. I love the music but I did notice your latest hottie is cut in half in some of the pictures so I can't really see his full magnificence. Other than that - great blog :)
by Kristie (J) 9:29 AM, October 14, 2006Hi! I'm from Finland and it's raining here. Which is a very good thing, because it was very dry this summer.
by Minna 9:41 AM, October 14, 2006I'm in Montana and it looks like today may be a nice Fall day. It snowed twice this week ~ but luckily the white stuff didn't stick
by Dev 9:58 AM, October 14, 2006Hello from Georgia! Right now it is sunny and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
by Jennifer Y. 1:03 PM, October 14, 2006Hey there! I'm in the California Moajve Desert. We've had rain off and on since yesterday. The temp has been in the high 60's.
by Jodi 4:40 PM, October 14, 2006For some reason, the side bars on your blog are cutting into your actual blogs so I have to minimize my screen, and then I can see the words, but not the Henri pictures. I've never had this problem before so not sure what is going on!
I'm in Southern Cali. It was sunny and about 75ish today. A bit cloudy in the evening.
by Kelley Nyrae 1:32 AM, October 15, 2006I love your blog, Stacy!! Love the hotties, love the music, love the interviews. Your topics always interest me. Keep it up!!
I am from Calgary, Alberta Canada......it is cloudy and raining here today.......About a week ago we had snow but it did not last - Thank heaven - Because our winters tend to be long enough.
by Wolfy 11:11 AM, October 15, 2006Stacy, I enjoy your blog with all the interviews, book reviews, and hotties. Sometimes I have a problem with the sides covering up the words, but other times it is okay, so go figure.......
Hi Stacy. LOL Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
by ~ames~ 3:41 PM, October 15, 2006It was snowing for the last half of last week, and now it's windy as hell. But the sun is shining. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Not good.
by Kelley Nyrae 4:55 PM, October 15, 2006I have the same problem. Sometimes I can view the blog fine, but other times the sides cover up much of the writing.
Hi all! Thanx for stopping by. It's in the 50's here in Chicago, overcast, but it's supposed to warm up - can't wait.
by Stacy~ 6:24 PM, October 15, 2006Minna! I've been to Finland - Helsinki, Tampere. I have family there. Hope to go back someday. Just in case you stop by again, what part are you from?
Sigh...blogger...I know nothing. Must be Internet Explorer. Mailyn had a post about this at her blog and how evil it can be cuz she knows all this code stuff.
I'm in Miami and what else is new? Is hot as all hell! LOL.
by Mailyn 9:46 PM, October 15, 2006Have fun!!!! P.S. you are in my latest post. :-)
Beautiful, warm, sunny Southern Cali for me. It was a beautiful 81 here today. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze. I loved it. :)
by Holly 2:06 AM, October 16, 2006It's been getting colder at night, though. It's about 50 now. Brr. LOL
Hi Stacy,
by Dru 7:19 AM, October 16, 2006It's 47 in New York
I'm in So Cal also... it was damn cold (for us LOL) over the weekend at about a high of 65.
by Lori 10:05 PM, October 16, 2006Rained on and off on Saturday, which did not improve my camping spirit!
Sorry I'm late :)
by Toni Anderson 4:58 PM, October 17, 2006Winnipeg, Manitoba. Weather is dreich.
Wet, almost snow. Brrrrrh.
I'm from North Karelia, eastern part of Finland. I live near Joensuu. Oh, excuse me, I live IN Joensuu. My county was joined to that town some time ago.
by Minna 9:45 AM, October 20, 2006I'm in So Cal too, L.A. to be exact and it's pretty outside, I want more cold dammit! *sigh*
by Rowena 5:37 PM, October 20, 2006