***Passing this info along***
I just took action to stop one of the worst wolf massacres in decades -- and I hope you will, too.
It's easy to help. Just go to the website below to take action:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to strip wolves of crucial Endangered Species Act protections in the Northern Rockies. Such a plan would allow Wyoming and Idaho to move forward with plans to eliminate as many wolves as possible within their borders.
Please help me save these magnificent animals. Tell the federal government to maintain federal protections for gray wolves by sending a message at the website below:
http://action.defenders.org/northernrockieswolves Help generate 200,000 comments to federal officials -- take action at the website above, then forward this message on to others who care about wildlife.
These wolves are in trouble. But, together, I know we can save them. I hope you'll help...
Labels: Defenders of Wildlife, wolves
Thanks bringing my attention to this! I didn't know about it, but I'll check it out. I love wolves!
byl put that on my blog Stacy. I love wolves too--so much they're in my first book LOL.
byThanx ladies. I think it's a pretty important cause. Animals are here for a reason, and killing them off is cruel and wrong. Hunting is one thing - I can reconcile myself to that to some degree - but this is mass butchering and it needs to be stopped.
byOh wow, I didn't know about this...thanks for educating me, I'll put this on my blog to raise attention to the matter...gotta keep the Katagaria safe! =)