Okay, he's technically not my hottie (unfortunately), but I do feel like a was the one who found him. I'm sure others feel the same way, LOL. I've had this crazy obsession since before Christmas last year, and I am forever indebted to a lady by the name of Billie Jo for providing me with his website:
Sylvia Day mentioned my hottie, er, Nathan at Romancing the Blog when she wrote about "Judging a Book by it's Cover". He's the model that's everywhere....
I love this cover because to me, it signifies what the ultimate male fantasy is: rugged, masculine, sexy, a bit dangerous, and good-looking but not pretty. He appears very capable, very confident, and of course a bit arrogant. And I love the fact that he's alone on the cover. Who needs the heroine when this guy is more than enough?
Michelle Buonfiglio mentions him in a post at Romance By the Blog (note: that's me who gave the link. Yep, told you I was obsessed!)
One of my favorite authors, Lori Foster, also mentions him since he is on the cover of her "Wildly Winston" re-release of all the Winston brothers.....I don't like this cover as much because of the shorter hair, but he's still pretty hot.
Even Jaid Black's tag board is talking about him - says he was on "Guiding Light" and "One Life to Live" - well, he is on her latest cover.....
This book by Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of the first covers I remember seeing his face. I think that's when I first began to wonder who he was. It took several months to get that answer.
Look at that face, that mouth. Wouldn't yo just loved to be kissed by this guy????
Now this is a SEXY cover. Look at how dangerous he looks. Um, yeah, I like it. A LOT.
What a gorgeous body to go along with that beautiful face of his.....
Hey, why stop at one when you can show 2, or 10????
And he's not just a pretty face, either. He's also appeared in some wonderful benefits, such as Models for Christ. Makes me like him even more. Says he married the love of his life - now what fan of romance wouldn't just melt at that? Sounds like a wonderful person.
Okay, I've rambled on enough, but stay as long as you like, admiring this guy. I know I would....and any other info you have on Mr. Hottie would be greatly appreciated!
Thanx for sharing in my obsession......
Gesu, Stacy, as we Eye-talians say. I can't stop thinking of this guy. Ypu've done an excellent tribute here, and I've really enjoyed all the covers. I was telling my husband how Nathan's even more sexy cause he's a happily-married guy. Sigh. Dave wondered if married guys should tell young women they weren't married so the guys wouldn't seem as sexy to the chicks. I told him that wasn't exactly the way it worked.
byI'm on a mission now to interview this guy. Wish me luck. I'll pass on any info if you promise me the same, OK?
ps Thank you very very much for the link.
Stacy you are so funny. Glad you have your own personal hottie. Hugs
byStacy, I enjoyed your tribute very much......He certainly is a hottie....
You got it Michelle! This has been a group effort and it's all for a good cause ;)
byI was Googling for NK when I stumbled on this blog. Love the tribute! Those covers are my faves too. I thought I was the only one insane enough to compile all of NK's covers. LOL. You can check out my site if you wish to see the list I've compiled. Bye!