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Monday, May 15, 2006:
Part 2 with NK: Even better than the fantasy is the "real thing"

Wow. I am in love. Okay, I'm more like seriously crushing on this guy right now (and who wouldn't? Just look at how ruggedly handsome my Nathan is? Sigh... Oh, sorry, he's not mine, I mean, I do know that. I just like think he is. ) but that's no secret. I am impressed by his attitude and his morals - how many people, not just men, would feel the same way about life and his role in it? And how many people take their faith or religion to heart, and live it everyday?

I'm just going to take a moment and admire how good Nathan looks in red - feel free to do the same. Then when you get your fill of that sexy and mysterious smile, those gorgeous eyes, that sexy hair, those very capable-looking hands (oh, sorry) check out part deux of Michelle Buonfiglio's awesome interview. I still like her, even if she does know what his voice sounds like....


  1. Thanks for checking out my blog. I've seen Michelle's interview with Nathan - it's how I found the link to his website and his oh-so-amazing pictures. He does look mighty HOT in red, doesn't he? Sigh....his wife is one lucky woman!

  2. He is gorgeous in this picture!!! What a great guy. He seems like a very genuine person.

  3. Yes, red is very savvy on him.
    Thanks for vising my wet NK pic! OH, me, I meant, for visiting me!

    AND, nice blog template, kind of reflects you ... delightful.


  4. You know...there should be a law about using that picture of
    Mr. Kamp online !!!!

    What I thought about Michelle's interview was how sensitive, respectful and provocative the questions and answers enfolded in her conversation with Mr. Kamp !!!

    It made a very pleasurable and an insightful read !!!

    Mr. Kamp is a truly good and kind gentleman !!!

    And, a red sweater looks mighty fine on such a sweet Man !!!!


  5. I was in a Borders here in San Diego today and I saw something that made me think of you! They had a display set up in the romance section of books with Nathan Kamp on the cover. It seems word is spreading:) I wonder how many other Borders Stores have similar displays.

  6. Michelle I am going to Borders tomorrow, thanx to you LOL. Plus I have a coupon. Yay - love hitting the bs!

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